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Mulkey Hospitality Refresh-7.jpeg

Before You Arrive

A new hire appointment will be scheduled prior to Orientation to allow time to submit proof of identity and eligibility to work in the United States. You will have the opportunity to select your uniform size and have a headshot taken.

Orientation and our food safety presentation last around 2 hours and will be held at the Business Office. New hires will be compensated for the duration of the presentation.

Employment Forms

Download and complete PDFs to enroll in direct deposit or submit an updated W-4 for change of address or life events.


What to Know

Dress attire is casual.


Location & Parking

Our Business Office is located at 6313 Homestead Avenue, Unit B2 in Lubbock, Texas. The entrance is on the North side of the building with a Chick-fil-A Logo on the door.


After Orientation

New hires are typically scheduled for their training shifts in the restaurants one to two weeks following Orientation. Schedules are posted on Workplace by Friday for the following week.



Workplace is the primary communication tool used for our 3 restaurant locations. After completion of Orientation, a personalized Workplace account will be created for you. Team Members are required to upload the profile picture assigned to them by the Talent Department.



  • Hemming tape is an inexpensive solution to shorten the length if the pants you received are slightly too long and can be purchased at Walmart.
  • To shorten a belt that is too long, please click HERE to view a video that will explain how to make an adjustment.
  • Team Members are required to wear black socks and black, non-slip shoes. Walmart and Skechers Outlet located at the West End Center have black non-slip shoes. Skechers offers Chick-fil-A employees a 30% discount. Shoes for Crews is another option to consider for slip-resistant shoes.
  • Gentlemen must wear either a white or black undershirt.

Facial Hair Guidelines

Cleanly shaven is permitted and the following facial hairstyles are acceptable:

  1. Short, neatly groomed mustaches.
  2. Short, neatly groomed goatees with well-defined lines.
  3. Short, neatly groomed beards with defined cheek and necklines.
    1. Short is defined as hair up to 1/2" in length (#4 standard trimmer guard).
    2. Neatly trimmed means there is a defined line where the hair ends. For example, with a beard, hair should end generally where the jawline meets the neck, above the Adam's apple.

Unacceptable facial hair styles include:

  1. No undefined lines, shavings, carvings, designs, or extreme styles (no chinstraps, chops, handlebar, etc.)
  2. Team Members should not work with unclean lines or patchy, inconsistent hair growth. While a Team Member is growing facial hair, the acceptable facial hair guidelines still must be followed.

Tattoos and Piercings

Tattoo Reminders

  1. Tattoos must not be visible on the face or neck.
  2. Visible tattoos must not contain profanity or be racially offensive, sexually explicit, violent, vulgar or otherwise offensive to other Team Members and Guests.
  3. Tattoos that do not meet requirements above can be covered by approved TeamStyle uniform items (for example, long-sleeved polo or performance sleeve) and/or with waterproof makeup.

Piercings are allowed but limited to:

  1. Ears, but limited to simple metal studs with no attached decoration or gemstones, and no dangling or hoop earrings.
  2. Nostrils, but limited to a single metal stud with no attached decoration or gemstone, or a single clear/flesh-toned retainer. Acceptable nostril piercings include metal, clear nose retainer and flesh tone nose retainer. Unacceptable nostril piercings include gemstones or nose rings and multiple nose piercings. Team Members must follow the local food code when it comes to nostril piercings.
  3. No other visible piercings (facial or other) are allowed, and band-aids should not be worn to cover piercings.